Who To Call?

List of important phone numbers for the City and County.
A pdf document with the information can be downloaded here.

Area Plan Commission812-435-5226
Board of Public Safety812-436-7897
Signs, traffic markings, street closing, speed limits, handicapped in front of homes.
Building Commission812-436-7885
Contractor's license/bonding information. New building, repair or remodeling permits.
Central Dispatch911Emergencies
City Animal Control812-435-6015
Animal complaints - too many animals, animals not cared for, pick-up stray animals, and removal of deceased animals.
City Clerk/City Council812-436-4992
Copies of city ordinances. Parking tickets.
City Engineer812-436-4977
Drainage matters, street paving, sidewalk requests.
Code Enforcement812-436-7885
County Assessor812-435-5267Check ownership of properties and assessments on property
County Auditor812-435-5293
Tax corrections, property exemptions.
County Clerk812-435-5482
Traffic Tickets/Misdemeanor
County Clerk812-435-5787Child Support, Marriage licenses, small claims, court matters
County Commission812-435-5241
County Council812-435-5791County ordinances and legislation. Budgeting for county.
County Engineer812-435-5773
County Garage812-435-5777County road issues. County weed control.
Department of Metropolitan Development812-436-7823
EEPA812-435-6145Air quality issues including: operating permits, dust and open burning.
Emergency Management812-435-6020
EVV Metropolitan Planning812-436-7833
Fire Department812-435-6235Administrative Office
Health Department812-435-2400Birth/Death Certificates
Health Department812-435-5695County trash control
Hope of Evansville 812-423-3169First Time Home Buyers. Low interest programs for repairing owner occupied houses/sidewalk program in target neighborhoods, based upon income eligibility.
Housing Authority812-428-8500Housing for low income - Section 8. We provide homes & connect people with services and opportunities.
Human Relations Commission812-436-4927
Indiana Legal Services812-426-1295Legal assistance for low income level.
Legal Aid Society812-435-5173Legal assistance for people on a very limited income in Vanderburgh County.
Levee Authority812-435-6137Flood protection services
Mayor's Citizen Concern Line812-436-7999General complaints.
Mesker Park Zoo812-435-6143
METS812-435-6166Information on buses and special programs.
Neighborhood Inspection Services812-436-7885Complaints on existing housing and barns, sheds, and garages. Property that is vacant and open on the fist floor or odes not meet minimum standard.
Indiana Poison Center1-800-222-1222Poison Information
Police Department812-436-7956Main Line
Police Department812-436-7890Executive Office/Internal Affairs
Police Department812-435-6135Abandoned Vehicles
Police Department812-436-7967Auto Theft
Police Department812-436-7917Organized Crime
Police Department812-436-7941Hit & Run
Police Department812-436-7991Bunco/Fraud
Police Department812-436-7949Domestic Violence Unit
Police Department812-436-7956Records
Police Department812-436-7906Juvenile
Police Department812-435-6135Crime Prevention
Police Department812-436-4947Personnel Unit
Police Department812-435-6194Tip Line
Police Department812-436-4041Violent Crime
Parks & Recreation812-435-6141Contact Park Rangers, Park schedules, and activities.
Personnel/Administrative Services812-436-4934Hiring, employee benefits.
Prosecutor's Office812-435-5150
Recorders812-435-5215Deeds, mortgages, and releases.
Rodent Control812-436-7885Rodent control, trash/debris, insects, furniture, and refrigerators.
Rodent Control812-435-5667Environment (mosquitoes)
Sheriff812-421-6203Executive Office
Sheriff812-421-6201Patrol & Investigation
Sheriff812-421-6243Detention Center
Solid Waste812-436-7800Recycling Information
Street Maintenance (City)812-435-6000Street repair, snow removal. Drain storm line repair.
Tort Claims/Law Department812-435-6003
Traffic Engineering812-435-6003Traffic lights, stop sign replacement.
Transportation and Services812-436-4988Alley/street maintenance. Potholes in streets. City drainage problems.
Trash Services (City)812-424-3345
Treasurer812-435-5248Tax payments/ and collections.
Urban Forestry812-436-5752Bushes and trees blocking view of oncoming traffic. Trees on city property. If a tree is on private property, it is a civil matter.
Water/Sewer Department812-436-7846Administrative offices, bills, connect and disconnect services.
Weed Control812-436-7820In excess of 9" (seasonal) overgrowth of bushes. Overgrown alleys.
We Tip1-800-782-7463Anonymous Tip Line
CenterPoint1-800-227-1376To report Electric interruptions or suspected gas leak.
Voter's Registration812-435-5222