Old Erie

Old Erie Neighborhood Association

This Association is INACTIVE at this time.

Old Erie neighborhood association formed in 1992 but went inactive in 2000.  The boundaries of the association are: south side of Walnut Street to the north side of Lincoln Avenue and Liberty Way; west side of Evans Avenue to the east side of SE8th Street. 

As of 2019, there was still no active association for Old Erie.  Leonard Collins, board member of UNOE, approached Demetrick and Teisha Flagg-Baker regarding their interest in the neighborhood association.  A week later he asked again and the Bakers agreed to help resurrect the neighborhood association. Officers were elected with Demetrick Baker becoming president and Teisha Flagg-Baker was voted in as the Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary (all three positions as of right now).

Old Erie residents with EPD officers

Our first year as the neighborhood association was good. One of our purposes is to promote through group actions the correction of neighborhood problems brought to the attention of the Association by its membership; thereby promoting an atmosphere of unity, cooperation, openness, and friendliness within the neighborhood. We interact with the Evansville Police Department and our CPO Nick Sandullo. We are also involved with the Focus Group and Code Enforcement.

It has not been easy for the president to get neighbors involved because we only have so many members and most are elderly.  It’s hard to get young kids to participate unless something is wrong. They will come up and ask you something, but they won’t come to a meeting.  I’ll pray in the years to come we will get more members involved in our area. We meet at Memorial Baptist Church at 6 p.m. every third Thursday.


This neighborhood is also a member of the Focus Neighborhood Council through the City of Evansville-Department of Metropolitan Development.

EPD Sector

This neighborhood is in the South Sector.
Crime Prevention Officer (CPO):  Nick Sandullo 812-435-6035
Meeting Date/Time: See EPD Police Sector page for current schedule.
Location:  Crime Prevention Office,  CK Newsome Center, 100 E Walnut St., Suite 100, Evansville, IN 47713

Boundaries & Map

Download the KML file here. Map and KML file updated 08/09/2021.