South Dexter
Neighborhood Association
The South Dexter Neighborhood Association exists to foster community involvement and awareness of issues affecting the security and safety of our residents.
South Dexter Neighborhood Watch was founded in October 2011. Our boundaries are Washington Avenue to the north, Vann Avenue to the east, Covert Avenue to the south, and Villa Avenue to the west. The purpose of our association is to promote a safe environment for all residents that live within our boundaries.
Our neighborhood is made up of modest single-family homes, four apartment complexes, and three condominium communities. We are located in the Second Ward with approximately 325 residents within our boundaries. There is a mix of retired residents as well as some younger families who are in the workforce.
We normally meet monthly throughout the year. All residents are welcomed to our meetings. We have a small but loyal group of regular attendees who are active on the United Neighborhoods of Evansville committees and Board of Directors as well as participants in the National Night Out event each year. We have a Facebook page and are on Nextdoor.com.
We welcome our EPD Crime Prevention Officer to our meetings as he provides us with crime statistics from our neighborhood each month. He also communicates any city-wide trends and provides us with any new initiatives that EPD may be undertaking in the community. Our Second Ward Councilwoman also attends some meetings which allows for direct communication of our neighborhood concerns to city government.
President: Pam Grewe
Vice President: Marci Hall
Secretary: Marilyn Hall
Treasurer: Bev Britt
Representatives: Vera Campbell & Carisa Campbell
Meeting Information
Date: 1st Monday of every month
(2nd Monday when 1st Monday is a holiday)
Time: 6:00pm
Location: EVPL McCollough Library, 5115 Washington Ave
Contact Pam Grewe at southdexterwatch@gmail.com for more information.
Follow South Dexter Watch on Facebook!
EPD Sector
This neighborhood is in the East Sector.
Crime Prevention Officer (CPO): Andy Carlile 812-485-3063
Meeting Date/Time: See EPD Police Sector page for current schedule.
Location: Crime Prevention Office, CK Newsome Center, 100 E Walnut St., Suite 100, Evansville, IN 47713
Boundaries & Map
Download the KML file here. Map and KML file updated 08/09/2021
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